It’s been a while since I’ve had a real post. I promise to have one after this! I thought I’d combine birthday wishes for Victoria and Maddie, their birthdays are really close.
Victoria’s 16!
Birthday: September 27th
What I love about Victoria: She’s truly one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met! She’s also a very hard worker and it pays off. She’s a wonderful dancer.
Something unexpected: Victoria is naturally a beautiful ballerina, but she can rock jazz dances like no other! Airplanes was one of my favorite dances she was in last year.
Interesting fact: She’s into anime and manga
Other interests: Art and drawing; I’ve never seen any art from her, but I’d love to!
Style: She wears these awesome graphic T-shirts and I don’t know where she gets them! I need to find out! Her hair is super long and gorgeous and I wish I looked that awesome with that long of hair. I don’t know how she takes care of it!
Age: 16
Siblings in the company: Brittany is her younger sister in Jr. Company
Maddie’s 16!
Birthday: September 29th
What I love about Maddie: She’s soooooo energetic! She truly has a sense of herself and isn’t afraid to express it. She also has a fantastic sense of style.
Something unexpected: I don’t know how unexpected this is because well she’s Maddie and nothing’s unexpected with her, but when I first met her she was REALLY into K-pop music! She would memorize the dances from the music videos. Apparently, she doesn’t do this anymore, but I don’t know if I believe her. ;)
Other interests: Who am I kidding this girl does everything. I don’t know how she’s so involved! Activities include: Poms AND orchesis. I know this doesn’t seem like very much, but if you’re a dancer or even a high school student you can understand how much time these two activities take up. All on top of her honors classes and the dance company. Also, this next fact…
Style: Maddie has the cutest style EVER! I don’t understand how she does it. She needs to design clothes for Urban Outfitters NOW! When I first met her she chopped off all of her hair into a naturally blond pixie cut. SO CUTE! Now she’s growing it out to a bob, but it’s super blond and adorable… She wants to be a fashion designer and rightfully so.Happy birthday girls! I love you both!