Sunday, December 4, 2011

15 Ways You Know You are Wearing Stage Makeup

It's a pain to put on, a pain to take off, but we all secretly love it. And here's how you know you're wearing it:

1.       It took you 15 minutes to just make up your eyes.

2.       Your lips look like they belong on a clown.

3.       Your eyelashes can be referred to as “cave woman eyelashes”.

4.       You have at least 3 shades of eye shadow on.

5.       You have eye shadow all the way up to your eyebrow.

6.       A friend had to help you with some portion of your makeup.

7.       When you leave the theatre you get looks from just about everyone in sight.

8.       You had to re-glue your eyelashes half way through a performance.

9.       Your eyelashes obstruct your vision.

10.   It takes you twice the time it usually does to take off your makeup at night.

11.   Your lipstick is still bright red after eating/drinking/trying desperately to wipe it off.

12.   You don’t recognize yourself when you look in the mirror.

13.   Your cheeks are almost as red as your lips.

14.   You have to use an eyelash curler to keep the mascara out of your eyes.

15.   You look like a clown and a hooker had a baby.

Now dancers stop complaining and put your damn eyelashes on.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Desperate Attempt to Keep up with Blogging

I have a bunch of really, REALLY be-lated birthdays! I know I'm a terrible person.
So here it is:

Happy birthday Arianna!
Birthday: October 20th
Age: 15
Arianna is one of the companies youngest members and freaking adorable! I can't believe she's 15 and a freshman in high school. She's not allowed to grow up! She always has this super cute short hair cut that I can't get over. I love her sense of humor, she always has something funny to add about any topic and is FANTASTIC at playing who, what, where, when, and why. Happy birthday girl!

Happy birthday Gormley (Elizabeth)!
Birthday: October 27th
Age: 18
Gormley is one of the companies seniors this year. We will be so sad to see her leave. She's hilarious and says the most random things, "Cuttlefish change color!" She adds so much to the company and I don't know what we'll do without her next year. We're losing a base guys! Love you Gormley! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday Emily!
Birthday: October 27th
Age: 16
Emily always has a spark to her! I how upbeat she always is, and has a kind heart. She's so bubbly and I love her for that. Plus we have a bond over being the shortest girls in the company. It's pretty fantastic. Happy birthday Emily!

Happy birthday girls! I hope you all forgive me for being so late. Love you all!